
Overcoming Supply Chain Challenges

The Owl Solutions CEO Hugo Fuentes talks about how to overcome supply chain challenges on Value Props latest podcast episode.
A new program that will give insights into plastic packaging waste across the supply chain and will ultimately help companies better manage and reduce waste is being developed by The Owl Solutions.
The Owls CEO Huge Fuentes spoke to Supply Chain Brain about a 5 step plan to help organizations transform data into valuable supply chain insights
Supply chain analytics platform provider The Owl Solutions is announcing today a new circular economy initiative aimed at using data analytics for plastic waste reduction in supply chains.
The Owl is thrilled to be selected as a participant in VentureLABs Scale AI program, offering AI solutions to supply chain data analytics.
We are proud to be a contributing member of the clean economy in the Waterloo community and beyond in the Waste Diversion and Waste Management Category.